From 8th to 11th of January 2018, the Form 1 students of SMK St Teresa had their orientation done in the AVA room. The four classes of Form 1 students were divided into two groups. The students of 1A1 and 1A2 had their orientation together on Monday and Wednesday while the students of 1A3 and 1A4 had theirs together on Tuesday and Thursday.

The speakers throughout the four days were Madam Chong, the counseling and guidance teacher for the afternoon session; Madam Euphrasia, the PKHEM of SMK St Teresa; Mr Teo, the PKKK of SMK St Teresa and Madam Fu, the afternoon supervisor for the afternoon session. In those four days, the students were taught the rules and regulations of SMK St Teresa. They learned the school song/anthem and were also given talks of how to take care of themselves and ways to avoid and prevent sexual harassment, rape or teen pregnancy. Besides that, the students also bonded with one another through the ice breaking and team building sessions hosted by the councils of the afternoon session prefectorial board.

By the end of the four days, the students not only gained more knowledge but also broke the ice, as they say, making the four days really meaningful.

Love and serve,
Victoria Frances Teng