SMK St. Teresa held a Aerobic cum Zumba session on the 13th of October, 2018 from 7a.m. to 8 a.m. in conjunction with Hari Sukan Negara at the school hall of St Teresa primary school. The sweaty session was led by 6 people in total, consisting of 3 ladies and 3 teachers They are Madam Chan, Madam Jeniffer and Miss Chong. All teachers and students were encouraged to take part.
At the same time, our school also had another fund raising event, namely the “Let’s Rebuild St. Teresa Food Sale 2018”, also on the 13th of October, 2018. Each class sold many different types of delicious food at their own respective stalls. The stalls were located around the school compound and were managed by the students along with their class teachers and parents of students. Each and every stall was creatively decorated by the students with attractive posters and colourful banners. The students went all out to promote and sell food from their stalls. Some walked around trying to sell their food while others tried various ways to attract people’s attention, be it shouting, playing music or even using a microphone.
At the end of the event, everyone went home fed and satisfied.
Love and serve,
Jessica Lee