On the 28th of January 2019, the debaters of SMK ST Teresa took
part in Swinburne Sarawak Inter-School Debating Championship 2019 (SSIDC 2019) organised by Swinburne University of Technology. It was held at Swinburne itself.
Three teams were sent by the school for this event: 2 junior teams and 1 senior team. The team members are as followed:
Junior 1:
- Qysha Irdina Binti Nazri
- Ashley Jaty ak Fleming
- Victoria Frances Teng May Wen
Junior 2:
- Reshyini Nisha A/P Kanan
- Angelia Yap Yu Jia
- Hassveni A/P Ravi
Senior 1:
- Priyathasyini A/P Kanan
- Nuraini Binti Abdul Manan
- Alicia Kok
The accompanying teachers throughout this event were Madam Donar and Mr Ismail. In this event, Junior 2 managed to break into the quarter-final. Though they didn’t manage to move on to the next level, it did not dampen their spirits but ignites the light within to try harder in the future. One of the debaters also managed to bring back a trophy for being one of the best speaker in the senior category.
Hopefully, this achievement will improve the competitive spirits of the students of SMK St Teresa to strive to be the very best.
Love and Serve,
Reshyini Nisha A/P Kanan